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United States · Boston, MA, USA · Boston, MA, USA · West Street / River Street, Boston, MA, USA


DeepTech · Government and Military · Hardware · Internet Services · Manufacturing


1 - 10 employees



founded in


Guardion is making the world safer from nuclear threats with world's first quantum technology radiation detector uniquely able to be deployed at a large scale. This summer, a terrorist attack in Spain used only knives and vehicles, and they were able to kill and injure over 100 people. What scares us, and people in the security community is that it's only a tiny increase in complexity, with some stolen nuclear material from a hospital or university and a crude dirty bomb attack will affect millions of people, cause billions of dollars in economic damage and shut down parts of a city. To combat this, Guardion is developing city scale radiation monitoring - to detect a dirty bomb as it moves through a city or better yet the materials used to make a dirty bomb before they could be weaponized. To do this, we have the world first radiation detector that exploits quantum properties of nanomaterials allowing us to build a low cost, sensitive, and low power detector that is uniquely able to be deployed at such a large scale. Winner: MassChallenge Gold Prize, 2017 Winner: CASIS/Boeing Prize to carry out research on the International Space Station Winner: TechPlanter Competition National Science Foundation I-Corps Team, DC Node

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