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Internal Control and Compliance Manager

Metro Africa Xpress

Metro Africa Xpress

Ibadan, Nigeria
Posted on Dec 5, 2024

This role will develop, review, implement and apply control to systems, Internal Policies, Processes & Procedures, Audit, Risk and Assurance Strategic Plan within MAX’s environment, in order to ensure that risk management and loss containment measures are adhered to in line with the organization’s strategy objectives.

What You’ll Do:

  • Provides structured and creative analysis to identify business process improvement opportunities and key performance indicators through data analysis, process evaluation and/or by engaging with key stakeholders to identify process gaps.
  • Contribute to development of the company’s business strategy with particular reference to the management of risks and containment of losses.
  • Monitor and control the budget within all the business units to ensure that all financial targets are met and that financial controls are in place to comply with company and regulatory requirements.
  • Review and evaluate control procedures and supporting documentation to ensure that they provide an effective control system to identify any weaknesses.
  • Prepare regular and accurate reports to ensure timely and accurate information is provided for Leadership decision making.
  • Maintain knowledge of new developments and processes within the Tech, Mobility and Financing Industry to provide advice and guidance to managers and staff on interpretation and implementation of financial requirements and business codes of practice.
  • Develop and maintain all other necessary controls and processes to ensure that business and legal requirements and regulations are complied with.
  • Develop strategies and processes to ensure that total quality is promoted throughout MAX.
  • Vet and control out-of-station expenses; while liaising with line managers to ensure appropriate approvals et al
  • Establish and maintain contacts within the organization and with all stakeholders to acquire information and to ensure that they are kept informed of all relevant development relating to approved limits, approval structures et al
  • Assist and support the company environment with identification, assessment and management of operations and other risks and compliance issues.
  • Support the CFO to drive governance and compliance to SLA’s in respect to asset management et al
  • Review operational improvements and support the team to train and implement
  • Identify, record and monitor all risks and breaches on various contract, make recommendations for mitigation & rectification, develop improvement plans when required
  • Interrogate data and Management Information, to identify where activities are not being undertaken, and produce action plans
  • Support the team in tracking and monitoring activity and alignment to contractual requirements